Working Group Development Studies and Sustainability Research (AGEF)

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Posterpräsentation: São Paulo zwischen Neoliberalismus und Recht auf Stadt

Konzeptioniert und designed von Tobias Töpfer und Johannes Exenberger steht nun das neue Poster: “São Paulo zwischen Neoliberalismus und Recht auf Stadt, Sichtbarkeiten und Reibungen” online. Das Poster wurde auf dem “Arbeitskreis Geographische Stadtforschung im Entwicklungskontext (AK GSEK)” in seiner diesjährigen Tagung vom 08. – 09. Juli von seinen beiden Autoren vorgestellt.

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Wem gehört der öffentliche Raum? Aufwertungs- und Verdrängungsprozesse im Zuge von Innenstadterneuerung in São Paulo.

Tobias Töpfer’s dissertation is published! Congratulations!

To whom does public space belong?
Upgrading and displacement processes in the course of downtown renewal in São Paulo

Metropolises around the world are subject to mutual competitive pressure to remain their attractiveness for the economy. In order to hold one’s ground, unique selling propositions are needed. The center of a metropolis may be considered such a feature. Downtown areas previously received little attention, but for some time urban planners and -politicians are paying increased attention to this topic again. This applies to cities of the Global North, but recently it also becomes relevant for those in the Global South.
In Brazil, with its high degree of urbanization, the focus lies once again on the inner cities, after having received less attention over several decades in favor of new center-fragments. Measures of downtown renewal should raise the attractiveness of these central areas. Given the socio-economic disparities observed in Brazilian cities, the implications of these trends for determined population groups are different. The measures often focus on structural interventions such as building renovations, but also on the public space. It directly provides the public authorities the ability to take the initiative. Again, physical rehabilitation measures of places, for example, may be part of these initiatives. However, concerning the access and use of public spaces, institutional innovations play an important role as well. Continue reading

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Buchpräsentation: Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics

Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics (Hardback) book cover

Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics 
Edited by Melanie Pichler, Cornelia Staritz, Karin Küblböck, Christina Plank, Werner Raza, Fernando Ruiz Peyré
© 2016 – Routledg, ISBN: 9781138195950

24.1.2017, 18.00 – 20.00
C3 – Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse3, 1090 Wien

Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics

mit: Melanie Pichler (Institut für Soziale Ökologie (SEC) der Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Ulrich Brand (Professor für internationale Politik an der Universität Wien), Stefan Giljum (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien), Karin Küblböck (ÖFSE) und Werner Raza (ÖFSE).
› Details zum Buch

Programm (pdf)

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Presentations at 13th International Asian Urbanization Conference

asian urb conference

From January 06-08 members of AGEF joined the 13th International Asian Urbanization Conference in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The conference was perfectly organized by the Faculty of Geography of Universitas Gadjah Mada, long-term cooperation partner of University of Innsbruck. Participants from overall 19 countries presented their papers on different topics related to the ongoing rapid urbanization throughout Asia, among them our papers, which can also be found in the conference proceedings: